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Destination and stays in Beaujolais
Destination and stays in Beaujolais Route des vins Group Séminaires

Spa de l'abri

  • Porte des Pierres Dorées - Liergues

Book 06 17 44 44 88

Chemin des petites meunières
69400 Porte des Pierres Dorées - Liergues

Get there (GPS) labrispaetdetente,gmail,com Website

Located twenty-five kilometres from Lyon in the heart of the golden stones area of Beaujolais, the Abri is the result of a self-construction inspired by our travels. A small wooden frame house: a private and intimate space designed for your well-being.

Douglas fir from the surrounding forests is used for the structure and interior partitions, Thai bamboo for the floor and Indonesian stone to create an atmosphere conducive to escape.

Come and relax for an afternoon, a night or a stay...

Our beauty products are made with essential oils and paraben- and dye-free soap.
To complete your experience, beauty treatments and massages are available on site.


Spoken languages

  • de
  • en
  • fr

Opening hours

All year round, daily 3 pm-7 pm and 6 pm-10 pm (at your choice). On reservation.