Beaujonomie - the premier oeno-bistronomic festival in Beaujolais
Enjoy a meal at the vineyard - Meals served by a local chef - Tastings - Entertainment
You can meet at the Beaujolais vineyards as a family, with friends or just one-on-one and enjoy a chic and elegantly relaxed bistronomic meal, comfortably seated around the same table...
Beaujonomy has found a new home, on its own land!
Enjoy the beautiful and exceptional vintages while sitting around your table to share wine, meals, and of course conversations. For lunch or dinner, around forty or so Domaines & Maisons du Beaujolais invite food-lovers to celebrate tableware along with French gourmet delicacies in a neo-bistro atmosphere.
The Beaujolais appellations will also offer tailor-made events, and each celebrates Beaujonomie in their own way!