Do you like hiking, but you also want to visit a cellar and drink a glass of Beaujolais wine? Are you torn between all this? We will guide you to the places not to be missed during your time in Beaujolais!
Destination and stays in Beaujolais
Unmissable features in Beaujolais
Higlights of the Beaujolais
Ternand cité de caractère du Rhône
Mont Brouilly
Belleville Hôtel Dieu
Carrières de Glay
Col de Crie
Le Hameau Duboeuf
Oingt, designated as the " Most Beautiful Villages in France "
Mont Saint Rigaud in Monsols
Chiroubles Terrace
Pierres Dorées villages
Villefranche-Sur-Saône and its heritages treasures
Indoor market in Villefranche-Sur-Saône
Claude Bernard Museum in Saint-Julien
Paul Dini Museum in Villefranche-Sur-Saône